




后半句 百分之一的灵感比百分之九十九的汗水还要重要,不是爱迪生说的。是没做作家Cindi Myers 在一片题目为《灵感与汗水》(inspiration and perspiration)的文章中引用了前半句之后自己做出的感言:“如果没有那百分之一的灵感,世界上所有的汗水也就仅仅是一桶汗水而已”原文: Without the one percent of inspiration,all the perspiration in the word is only a bucket of sweat.----这篇文章在网上流传一时, 有人信以为真. 但身居国内的飞蠓对此下了很多功夫作调查, 而且已经基本查清楚了, 下面两篇网页可能是以讹传讹的原始出处:http://www.ortolon.com/articles_sterling_inspiration.htmhttp://members.aol.com/cysterling/articleinspiration.htm不幸的是, 前一个链接已经失效. 后面那个链接的开始是这样的:Thomas Edison said “Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.” Without the one percent of inspiration, all the perspiration in the world is only a bucket of sweat. So where do writers find that all-important inspiration? An informal poll revealed the following sources:……(下略)也就是说, 搜狐的那篇文章中的指控纯属"移花接木", "无中生有". 先把别人的话安在爱迪生身上,然后指控中国教材篡改名人名言。(当然,不排除这位佚名作者误读了别人的文章,或者也是被其他传闻所误导。)飞蠓的功课已经做得很好了. 但从贴子上看, 飞蠓对所找到的线索好像还有一点疑问. 这里我帮一把, 提供两点证实,其 一:"Without the one percent of inspiration, all the perspiration in the world is only a bucket of sweat."这段话, 确实是美国的当代女作家Cindi Myers说的话,而不是爱迪生说的. 除了以上网页, 还可以在"Dharma Moments"(Danai Chanchaochai, 2006, ISBN: 1857883853) 一书的前言中得到旁证: Yes, we do need to work at it sometimes when we’re looking for answers, but as writer Cindi Myers stylishly points out, “Without the one percent of inspiration, all the perspiration in the world is only a bucket of sweat.” (Prapai Kraisornkovit, p.17)