




阿根廷:布宜诺斯艾利斯http://www.lotour.com 2006-9-27 环球游报 布宜诺斯艾利斯阿根廷候选景点II: 布宜诺斯艾利斯 推荐理由: 首都,全国政治、经济及工商业中心, 位于阿根廷东部沿海的拉普拉塔河的河口右岸,为南美洲最大最繁荣的城市。市内建筑风格奇异多彩,几乎包罗了欧洲古今建筑的全部风格与造型,其中最著名的科隆大剧院,其规模居世界第三位。 文字介绍 在西班牙语中,布宜诺斯艾利斯的意思是“新鲜的空气”。作为阿根迁首都,这里不仅是 多彩夏季,快乐出游 把古老的长城留给子孙 乐途驴友五一出游特辑 聚焦国内知名企业 全国政治、经济、文化中心,还是一座欧化情怀十足的城市。不仅城市居民几乎都是欧洲移民的后裔,而且城市布局、街景以及居民的生活方式、风俗习惯、文化情趣,处处显露出欧洲风情。多广场、街心花园、纪念碑和雕塑,是布宜诺斯艾利斯城的一大特色。许多著名的大街由广场呈辐射状向四周伸展,颇似巴黎凯旋门的街道布局。 Buenos Aires Reason for recommended: Buenos Aires is the capital of the Republic of Argentina and the country"s largest city. Meanwhile, it is the center of politics , economy and culture. Located in front of the Río de La Plata, it is a modern, dynamic and radiant city that features the European architecture of its founders and absorbs the passion of its people. Among them, the most famous is Colon Theatre which holds the third place in size of all the theatres in the world. Introduction : The city of Buenos Aires, one of the most important Latin American cities, is a great cosmopolitan and many-sided metropolis. This city astonishes the tourist with its evident universal influence. It is the capital of the Argentine Republic and the vital bond of the nation. As long as European arquitecture is concerned, many streets recall those of Paris. Its numberless museums, exposition and comference centres, art galleries, cinemas and theatres with national and international spectacles of high quality, are witnesses of its important cultural life. The Colon Theatre, one of the most important lyrical theatres in the world, is seat, together with some other scenaries, of an intense musical activity that comprises all genres including, of course, the famous and typical Tango; besides, the city is frequently visited by orchestras, groups and soloists from all over the world.