




Act 1 Ella, Ella, Cinderella第一幕 灰姑娘埃拉Cinderella: I am Ella.I live with my stepmother and two stepsisters.I work and work all day. 灰姑娘:我是埃拉。我和我的继母,还有继母带来的两个姐姐一起生活。我整天都在干活。Sister 1: (yelling) Ella,make me breakfast! 姐姐1:(大叫)埃拉,给我做早饭!Sister 2: (yelling) Ella,make me a cake! 姐姐2:(大叫)埃拉,给我做个蛋糕!Mother: (yelling) Ella,clean the house! 妈妈:(大叫)埃拉,去打扫屋子!Sister 1: What are you doing,Ella? 姐姐1:你在干什么,埃拉?Cinderella: I am cleaning the fireplace. 灰姑娘:我在打扫壁炉。Sister 1: (laughing and pointing at Ella) Ha-ha. Look at her. She is very dirty from the cinders. 姐姐1:(大笑着指着埃拉)哈哈,看哪,她身上都是煤灰,真脏。Sister 2: I know.(laughing) Ha-ha.Let's call her Cinderella. 姐姐2:是啊。(笑着说)哈哈,我们叫她灰姑娘吧。Sister 1: OK. 姐姐1:好呀。(A man comes to Cinderella’s house.)(一个男人来到灰姑娘的家。)Man: Good afternoon, Ladies! I have a letter from the Prince. There will be a big party at the palace.男人:下午好,女士们!我这人有一封王子的信。王宫要举行一场盛大的宫廷舞会。Sister 1:Wow!Great! I want to go.姐姐1:哇!太好了!我想去。Sister2: Can we go,Mother?姐姐2:我们能去吗,妈妈?Mother:Of course,you can.妈妈:你们当然能去。Cinderella:Can I go,too?灰姑娘:我也能去吗?Mother:No! You can’t go! You are too ugly and dirty.妈妈:不行!你不能去!你太丑太脏了!Sister 1:Cinderella,we need new dresses.姐姐1:灰姑娘,我们需要新裙子。Sister2:Make them for us.Now!姐姐2:给我们做新裙子去。现在就做! Act 2 Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother第一幕 灰姑娘的仙女教母Cinderella: My sisters are at the party. I am home alone. (crying) I want to go to the party.灰姑娘:姐姐们去参加宫廷舞会了。我一个人在家。(哭泣着)我想去宫廷舞会。(PUFFFF!)( 噗!)Fairy Godmother:Don’t cry, Cinderella.仙女教母:不要哭,灰姑娘。Cinderella:Ah… who… who are you?灰姑娘:啊…… 你…… 你是谁?Fairy Godmother:I’m your Fairy Godmother. I will help you.仙女教母:我是你的仙女教母。我会帮你的。(waving her magic wand) (PUFFFF!)(挥动她的魔法棒) ( 噗!)Cinderella:Wow! A pumpkin changes into a coach. (PUFFFF!)灰姑娘:哇!一个南瓜变成了一辆马车。( 噗!)Cinderella:Nice! A mouse changes into a coachman. Two mice change into white horses. (PUFFFF!) 灰姑娘:好棒呀!一只老鼠变成了一个车夫。两只老鼠变成了白马。( 噗!)Cinderella:Great!My dress changes into a beautiful dress.灰姑娘:太好了!我的裙子变成了一条漂亮的裙子。Fairy Godmother:Cinderella, these are glass shoes for you.仙女教母:灰姑娘,这是给你的水晶鞋。Cinderella:Oh, they are very beautiful! Thank you,Fairy Godmother.灰姑娘:哦,这鞋子真是太漂亮了!谢谢你,仙女教母。Fairy Godmother:Now you can go to the party. But be home by 12 o’clock. My magic will disappear at 12 o’clock.仙女教母:现在你可以去宫廷舞会了。但是要在12点前回家。我的魔法会在12点消失。Cinderella:Oh, I see.灰姑娘:哦,我知道了。 Act 3 The Party第三幕 宫廷舞会(Cinderella arrives at the palace.)(灰姑娘来到了王宫。)Sister 1:(looking at Cinderella)She is very beautiful. Who is she? Do you know her?姐姐1:(看着灰姑娘)她真漂亮啊。她是谁?你认识她吗?Sister 2 :No, I don’t.姐姐2:不,我不认识。Prince:(looking at Cinderella) Oh, she is very beautiful! I want to dance with her. (going to Cinderella) Good evening, Lady! I’m the prince. Please dance with me.王子:(看着灰姑娘)哦,他可真漂亮!我想和她跳舞。(走到灰姑娘面前)晚上好,女士!我是王子。请和我跳舞吧。(Cinderella and the Prince are dancing.)(灰姑娘和王子一起跳舞。)Prince:You are very beautiful.王子:你非常漂亮。Cinderella:Thank you. I am happy with you.灰姑娘:谢谢,和你在一起我很开心。(Ticktock, Ticktock)(嘀哒,嘀哒)Cinderella:Oh, no! It’s nearly 12 o’clock.(running)I must go.灰姑娘:哦,糟了!快12点了。(往外跑)我得走了。Prince:(running after Cinderella)Wait! Wait! Don’t go, Lady!王子:(追赶灰姑娘)等等!等等!不要走,女士!(One of Cinderella’s shoes falls off on the stairs.)(灰姑娘的一只水晶鞋掉在了楼梯上。)Cinderella: Oh, my shoe …灰姑娘:啊,我的鞋 ……Prince: (gasping) Where is she? Oh, here is her shoe. I will find her and marry her.王子:(气喘吁吁地)她在哪儿?哦,这是她的鞋。我一定要找到她,娶她为妻。 Act 4 The Glass Shoe第三幕 水晶鞋Prince:Many women try on the shoe. But it doesn’t fit anyone.王子:很多女孩都试了这双鞋。但谁穿都不合适。(The Prince comes to Cinderella’s house.)(王子来到灰姑娘家。)Sister 1,2:Oh, it’s the Prince!姐姐1、2:啊,是王子!Prince:Good afternoon, Ladies! Please try on this shoe.王子:下午好,女士!请试一下这只鞋吧!Sister 1:Yes, I will. The shoe will fit me.姐姐1:好,我来试试。这只鞋我穿上会合适的。Sister 2:(laughing) Ha-ha. Your feet are too big. The shoe will fit me. I will try!姐姐2:(大笑着)哈哈,你的脚太大了。这只鞋我穿会合适的。我来试试!Sister 1:Your feet are big, too.姐姐1:你的脚也很大啊。Prince:Oh,no! I can’t find her!灰姑娘:哦,不!我找不到她了!(The prince sees Cinderella in the kitchen.)(王子看到了厨房里的灰姑娘。)Prince: (pointing at Cinderella) Wait! Who is she?王子:(指着灰姑娘)等等!她是谁?Sister 1:Oh,she is Cinderella.姐姐1:哦,她是灰姑娘。Sister 2:She is only a kitchen girl.姐姐2:她只是个在厨房里干活的丫头。Mother:The shoe will never fit her.妈妈:这只鞋她穿肯定不合适。Prince:No! Every woman must try. Cinderella, please try on this shoe.王子:不!每个女孩都必须试穿。灰姑娘,请试一下这只鞋。Cinderella:Yes, I will.灰姑娘:好的,我试一下。Prince:(excited)It fits! It fits! It’s you!Cinderella:Yes, I am the woman.Prince:Cinderella,will you marry me?王子:灰姑娘,你愿意嫁给我吗?Cinderella:Yes, I will marry you. 灰姑娘:是的,我愿意嫁给你。