未能恢复iphone 发生未知错误3194
的有关信息介绍如下:由于你没说你是的第几代IPHONE,我只能把三种可能的方法都和你说说吧: 终极解决方案一:1、进入C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc2、记事本打开编辑“hosts”文件3、“# Additionally……”往下的全删除,包括74.208.10.249 gs.apple.com也删掉。保存,重启iTunes更新/恢复即可。终极解决方案二:一次打开 C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc把hosts 文件移动到其他位置然后重新打开itunes就可以刷机了记得刷完机之后把hosts文件移动回到原位3194错误是苹果关闭了验证服务器的原因还有就是hosts文件指向错误,指向了cydia服务器对于那些ITUNES备份加密却不知道密码无法越狱的朋友作为刷机用,刷机完后就可以越狱啦,只不过你加密备份的东西好像导不出来,这方法很实用。终极解决方案三:以下是hosts默认文件,替换全部保存即可【需要重启后生效!】(hosts文件路径:C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc ) # Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source Server # x.acme.com # x client host # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. # localhost # ::1 localhost 注意:前三个方法在修改hosts文件进行保存时如果遇到“拒绝访问”,请进入Adminstrator账户操作,或者对着文件点右键—属性—安全—编辑—选择你的账户勾上完全控制,然后再进行修改即可。其中方案三是我在帮很多用IPHONE4,4S的朋友解决3194的问题时,解决率最高的!如果帮上你了,就采纳吧!