




词曲:胡彦斌编曲:彭飞主唱:胡彦斌If you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou can say what you wantAnd sing it alongIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou can do what you wantAnd achieve it strongIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou’ll find and cherish the love of your lifeIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveFight for a future and let your expectation fly我擦肩而过这霓虹的街头各种颜色的皮肤脸上带着忧愁是不是每天都要想着力争上游心态决定命运让我觉得很牛我不知他们来自何处 要去往何处你的心一定要有足够的包容度我放弃站稳的脚跟和我成功的路为了来这座陌生的城市带给我的不只是孤独因为我心里有数 所以我义无反顾我不懂什么叫输 也不会任人摆布也需要一些新的感悟来面对人生尝试新的态度我没有流利的英语 沟通全靠我的肢体我无所畏惧 中文已是世界的流行语我现在每天都看着ABCD仿佛我的人生都在猜着谜语上课的时候我会带着翻译老师觉得这是如此不可思议我只想带走我想学的 我不懂他们怎么想的我的同学他们都很NICE我请他们喝一杯STARBUCKS告诉他们一定要来上海和北京五千年的文化会感动你的心If you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou can say what you wantAnd sing it alongIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou can do what you wantAnd achieve it strongIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou’ll find and cherish the love of your lifeIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveFight for a future and let your expectation fly我逛遍了纽约的每条街可是我找不到一家唱片店是不是2012让大家忘记了音乐可这样的BEAT还每天陪我到深夜你是否还记得我的第一张唱片那时的我还是个新人一百万销量整个让你傻眼唱片业什么时候才能回到从前我知道这些事我不能改变是不是免费的Download就会如你所愿我的新歌每天都在写哪怕受过的苦要多过于甜相信会有那么一天 音乐人的人生坚持就会改变 妈妈告诉我做爱做的事要有信念各位ROCKER要记得忆苦思甜现在的生活太幸福会让你少了对世界的感悟想想你的当初 不要被流行麻木太多打拼的上班族还需要你的吉他来为他们鼓舞不知不觉 来到中国唱片业 已经有了十年直到我去年解约 我现在人在纽约我的上海我的北京我的朋友我的母亲我的哥们我的歌迷我对你们如此想念这里的汉堡比不过一碗兰州拉面应有尽有的纽约找不到我成长的岁月我这十年的老板还有一起奋斗的所有工作人员我的嘴巴很笨 曾经颁奖典礼上的我不懂怎么感谢 现在我要把你们留在这首歌这会是我们一辈子的纪念If you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou can say what you wantAnd sing it alongIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou can do what you wantAnd achieve it strongIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveYou’ll find and cherish the love of your lifeIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me liveFight for a future and let your expectation flyIf you can't find your lifePlease come see me live