




TED演讲人介绍 Helen Fisher :海伦费.舍尔人类学家,爱情专家Anthropologist Helen Fisher studies gender differences and the evolution of human emotions. She's best known as an expert on romantic love, and her beautifully penned books -- including Anatomy of Love and Why We Love -- lay bare the mysteries of our most treasured emotion.人类学家 Helen Fisher 研究两性的不同及人类情感的进化历程,她是浪漫爱情的研究专家,她的漂亮钢笔书,爱情和为何我们相爱。揭示了我们最珍贵的情感。Why you should listen to her:我们为何听她演讲Helen Fisher's courageous investigations of romantic love -- its evolution, its biochemical foundations and its vital importance to human society -- are informing and transforming the way we understand ourselves. Fisher describes love as a universal human drive (stronger than the sex drive; stronger than thirst or hunger; stronger perhaps than the will to live), and her many areas of inquiry shed light on timeless human mysteries, like why we choose one partner over another.Helen Fisher 对浪漫恋爱的勇敢调查 -- 它的进化历程 它的生理基础和它对人类社会鲜活的重要性 是一种形成我们理解自己的方式。 Fisher 将爱描述成人类最普遍的驱动力(强于性的驱动力,强于渴和饿,甚至强于活下去的意愿),她对人类无限神秘领域的探索,就像我们不断挑选自己的另一半。Almost unique among scientists, Fisher explores the science of love without losing a sense of romance: Her work frequently invokes poetry, literature and art -- along with scientific findings -- helping us appreciate our love affair with love itself. In her research, and in books such as Anatomy of Love, Why We Love, and her latest work Why Him? Why Her?: How to Find and Keep Lasting Love, Fisher looks at questions with real impact on modern life. Her latest research raises serious concerns about the widespread, long-term use of antidepressants, which may undermine our natural process of attachment by tampering with hormone levels in the brain.在科学家内部她几乎是唯一的,Fisher 探索爱的科学而不是浪漫,她的研究常常涉及诗意,文学和艺术,通过科学式的探索,帮助我们感激用爱本身来感激爱情。在她的研究中,就比如那本 爱的解剖:为什么我们相爱 和她的最新作品 为什么是他?为什么是她?如何发现和保持爱,Fisher关注 现代生活中真的有影响的问题 。她的最新研究表明对于更广范围,长期的使用抗抑郁药会导致影响我们脑内的荷尔蒙水平的自然形成。"In hands as skilled and sensitive as Fisher's, scientific analysis of love only adds to its magic."有才华双手和敏感思维 Fisher科学式的分析只会使爱更加充满魔力。Scientific American--科学美国人