BEN10 外星传奇 歌词是什么
的有关信息介绍如下:BEN 10中文版歌词 演唱:黑涩会美眉 “小小年纪所向无敌” “神秘超能力” “双手并用变身启动” “实在好神奇” “捍卫和平维护正义” “叫他第一名” “BEN 10” “外星战士瞬间变身” “超级变变变” “分分秒秒时时刻刻” “超级任务赞” “变身英雄” “大大发威” “打败恶势力” “BEN 10” “跟着小班一起去” “追追追” “上山下海他一定” “不怕累” “勇往直前一起去” “大冒险” “我们都爱这超酷变身小英雄” “BEN10” “超能兽” “钻石战神” “火焰人” “快闪之星” “四手霸王” “大钢牙”“小奇兵” “鬼影”BEN 10英文版歌词 演唱:Andy·Sturmer It started when an alien device did what it did And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid Now he's got secret powers, he's no ordinary kid He's Ben 10 (Ben 10) So if you see him you might be in for a big surprise He'll turn into an alien before your very eyes He's slimy, freaky, fast and strong, he's every shape and size, He's Ben 10 (Ben 10) Armed with powers he's on the case fighting off evil from earth or space He'll never stop 'till he makes them pay Cause he's the baddest kid to ever save the day He's Ben 10 (Ben 10, Ben 10) (BEN, 10) (Ben 10)