
“采菊东篱下 悠然见南山”如何翻译

“采菊东篱下 悠然见南山”如何翻译


“采菊东篱下 悠然见南山”如何翻译

我看过杨宪益老师和他夫人戴乃迭翻译的版本,美文共享。其中While picking asters 'neath the Eastern fence,my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests(采菊东篱下,悠然见南山)一句,怡然幽雅,闲静有蕴,与全诗格调浑然一体。自认为优胜于各位的译文。全译文无论形神体均与原文自然融合,是译作的经典啊,各位对文学和英语有兴趣的,也欣赏一下吧。 --------------------- 饮酒 其五 结庐在人境, 而无车马喧。 问君何能尔, 心远地自偏。 采菊东篱下, 悠然见南山; 山气日夕佳, 飞鸟相与还。 此中有真意, 欲辨已忘言。 Drinking (V) Within the world of men I make my home, Yet din of horse and carriage there is none; You ask me how this quiet is achieved --- With thoughts remote the place appears alone. While picking asters 'neath the Eastern fence My gaze upon the Southern mountain rests; The mountain views are good by day or night, The birds come flying homeward to their nests. A truth in this reflection lies concealed, But I forget how it may be revealed. -------------------- 我还有一些别的版本,不及这个。但也放上来让大家评品。 I made my home amidst this human bustle, Yet I hear no clamour from the carts and horses. My friend, you ask me how this can be so? A distant heart will tend towards like places. From the eastern hedge, I pluck chrysanthemum flowers, And idly look towards the southern hills. The mountain air is beautiful day and night, The birds fly back to roost with one another. I know that this must have some deeper meaning, I try to explain, but cannot find the words. (这里的idly我不太喜欢。还有,我也不喜欢air用beautiful修饰) Among the haunts of men I build my cot, There's noise of wheels and hoofs, but I hear not. How can it leave upon my mind no trace? Secluded heart creats secluded place. I pick fence-side chrysanthemums at will And leisurely I see the southern hill, Where mountain air is fresh both day and night, And where I find home-going birds in flight. What is the revelation at this view? Words fail me e'en if I try to tell.